Hypnosis FAQ

Who can be hypnotized?           Nearly everyone.

How many sessions will it take to reach my goal?
Most people average 1-5 sessions.

Are the results lasting?
For most people the results of hypnosis last a lifetime.

Is being hypnotized like going to sleep?
No. Hypnotic trance is a state of heightened awareness that people find relaxing and comfortable. During hypnosis, you remain in complete control of your awareness and will remember all that happens during the session.

How can hypnosis help me?
Hypnosis is very effective in helping end stress-related problems. Hypnosis can also be used to:

  • Increase self-esteem
  • Improve memory
  • Increase concentration
  • End obesity
  • Improve sports performance
  • Create a positive image for public speaking
  • Clear away difficult roadblocks that keep you from getting what you truly want

Why didn’t other programs help me with habit control?
Most individuals want to break their bad habits. Often times, people are unaware of how these undesirable habits started in the first place, and they are equally mystified in how to get them to disappear.

Programs to help people stop smoking or lose weight are well recognized in main stream society today. In fact, you might have tried to remove some of these habits yourself. One half of all people who quit smoking do it by themselves, that leaves the other half needing help if they are to be successful. One of the many reasons that some programs are only temporarily effective is that they do not address the root causes that still drive the compulsion to smoke. People’s problems are unique and so are their solutions. My program for transformation and change is uniquely designed for each individual so success is built in.

Habits do have causes and points of origin.

If you only look at the superficial habits themselves, it’s like putting a Band-aid on a wound. It might be a temporary solution, but it doesn’t solve the problem. A new strategy is needed; one that’s perfect for the issue and is right for you.

That’s where hypnotherapy comes into the picture. Whether you are looking to stop smoking, lose weight, or get over  a hurdle to success, hypnosis and my Block Busting Method can reveal the under lying causes of any unwanted habit or block to success and in doing so help to reveal a successful plan of action.

How can hypnosis help me improve motivation?
In many instances, a person apparently lacking in motivation will be found also to be suffering from low self-esteem. In such cases, first attention should go to improvement of the self-image. It is difficult to fire up your ambitions if you see yourself as a failure in some way. Fortunately difficulties involving both self-esteem and motivation respond rapidly to hypnosis. Simply recognizing that you need help proves that you are capable of motivation–it’s really the first step!

It’s also important to understand that there are five areas in which people are motivated:

1. Physiological (the need for food, sleep, sex)

2. Safety (need for protection, job advancement etc.)

3. Belongingness/Love (family, social contact)

4. Achievement (need to grow, use potential)

5. Esteem (need to be valued by others and have self-respect)

Knowing this, you might realize that motivation is only lacking in certain areas. To resolve this, we can eliminate fear of failure, and establish a series of goals to move forward. Goals set a sequence and provide an order for progress. They also permit a most important factor–a sense of completion. It is vital to know that the work being done will have an end. For this reason, a step-by-step process in which a series of small goals can be achieved, and completed, is a essential to success in increasing motivation.

It is also important to address that the definition of “success” varies for each individual. While money may be one form of measurement, other factors such as peace, love, freedom, achievement of ambitions, developing talents and skills can be measures of success, too. Hypnosis can increase motivation, which can lead to the type of success that improves your own personal sense of fulfillment.

Can hypnosis help me take charge of my life?

Human beings begin identification processes early in life. Genes can carry physical characteristics, but various character assets and liabilities can he acquired by our environment and our relationships. It’s what we learn from the way we live.

One of the least empowering traits one can learn from an early age is a sense of feeling a victim to their surroundings. Said another way, it stinks to feel that you don’t control your own life. Feelings of inferiority, or powerlessness, can be caused by a string of ongoing negative beliefs. Hypnosis can be one of the best tools to change negative thought patterns into positive ones. As it’s been shown through research, the ability to think and act positively can be one of the most important factors to success.

Self-Hypnosis: The Key to Relaxation

Self hypnosis, once learned, is a powerful skill which can last a lifetime. While there are numerous books, cd’s and videos on the subject, one-on-one teaching from a qualified hypnotherapist is likely to produce the most effective results.

Hypnosis has been described as an altered state of selective hyper-suggestibility brought about by the use of relaxation, fixation of attention, and suggestion (or any combination of the above). The techniques are easy enough to be learned and self-applied to meet virtually any life need or purpose.

Let’s take a look at these components of hypnosis, and how they can be helpful in self-hypnosis.

First you have full consciousness, which involves normal intellectual activity of the conscious mind and normal motor functions. This is where most people spend much of their daytime hours. Light relaxation may be recognized by slower breathing and pulse. When you find yourself daydreaming, you’re in this light relaxation state. Your attention can wander, as you try to multi-task, and your ability receive new suggestions is less than optimal.

Next, moderate levels of relaxation are experienced when you close your eyes, causing a general loss of awareness of your surroundings. Your senses also come alive in this moderate state of relaxation, and your imagination can also come to life. You become slightly more suggestive here.

Deep levels of relaxation will reduce energy output and activity. Your body may even become limp or stiff, and your mind can become extremely creative. In this state, your attention will narrow further and suggestibility will increase. Certain illusions of the senses may be noted.

Below these levels comes sleep, with suspension of voluntary movement and absence of conscious thought.

Through self-hypnosis, you can deepen your levels of relaxation
and improve your suggestibility to:

  • control levels of pain
  • reduce insomnia
  • control blood flow and pressure
  • increase levels of concentration
  • improve memory
  • enhance learning,
  • and much more!

I happily teach individuals techniques to learn, practice, and master self-hypnosis. Contact me for more information on hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis methods!